Blizzard Must Ban This Card! Best Control Warrior To CRAFT! Voyage to the Sunken City | Hearthstone


Blizzard Must Ban This Card! Best Control Warrior To CRAFT! Voyage to the Sunken City | Hearthstone

You can get Mr. Smite from Nellie, the Great Thresher, how is this even allowed, seriously, it is really overpowered, but I like it nonetheless!

Full deck guide on my website!

My opponents:

00:00 Big Beasts Hunter

06:46 Curse Control Warlock ( Kinda fun )

Deck code:

### Control Warrior

# Class: Warrior

# Format: Standard

# Year of the Hydra


# 2x (1) Shield Slam

# 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide

# 1x (2) Amalgam of the Deep

# 2x (2) Frozen Buckler

# 1x (2) Guard the City

# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard

# 1x (3) From the Depths

# 2x (3) Heavy Plate

# 1x (3) Rustrot Viper

# 1x (3) Shield Block

# 1x (4) Ambassador Faelin

# 2x (4) Onyxian Drake

# 2x (4) Outrider's Axe

# 1x (4) Rancor

# 1x (4) School Teacher

# 1x (5) Azure Drake

# 1x (5) Brawl

# 1x (6) Captain Galvangar

# 1x (7) Mutanus the Devourer

# 1x (7) Nellie, the Great Thresher

# 1x (7) Rokara, the Valorous

# 1x (8) Kazakusan

# 1x (10) Raid Boss Onyxia

# 2x (10) Shield Shatter


# # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #VoyagetotheSunkenCity #Hearthstone
