Un'Goro Quest Druid Is Not What You Think! How Good is it? Throne of the Tides Mini-Set| Hearthstone

 Un'Goro Quest Druid Is Not What You Think! How Good is it? Throne of the Tides Mini-Set| Hearthstone

If you can't copy the deck code you can always get all of my decks on my website, or join my Discord, Twitter and Instagram!

Good luck, my friends!

My opponents:

00:00 Resurrect Priest

05:01 Resurrect Priest

12:11 Curse Warlock

Deck code:

### Un'Goro Quest Druid

# Class: Druid

# Format: Wild


# 2x (0) Aquatic Form

# 1x (1) Jungle Giants

# 2x (2) Breath of Dreams

# 2x (2) Earthen Scales

# 2x (2) Moonlit Guidance

# 2x (2) Rock Rager

# 1x (2) Stockades Prisoner

# 1x (2) Tortollan Forager

# 2x (2) Wrath

# 1x (3) Coldlight Oracle

# 2x (3) Elder Longneck

# 1x (3) Prince Renathal

# 1x (4) Archmage Vargoth

# 2x (4) Cursed Disciple

# 1x (4) Divine Rager

# 2x (4) Injured Marauder

# 2x (4) Oaken Summons

# 2x (5) Nourish

# 1x (5) Wildheart Guff

# 2x (6) Emerald Explorer

# 1x (8) Kazakusan

# 1x (9) Alexstrasza

# 1x (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder

# 1x (9) Malygos the Spellweaver

# 1x (9) Runaway Blackwing

# 1x (9) Ysera, Unleashed

# 1x (10) Kun the Forgotten King

# 1x (10) Raid Boss Onyxia



# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #VoyagetotheSunkenCity #Hearthstone
