NEW Relic Fel Big DH Deck Is Beyond Best To Climb Legend Ranks Castle Nathria Mini-Set | Hearthstone


NEW Relic Fel Big DH Deck Is Beyond Best To Climb Legend Ranks Castle Nathria Mini-Set | Hearthstone

If you can't copy the deck code you can always get all of my decks on my website, or join my Discord, Twitter and Instagram!

Good luck, my friends!

My opponents:

00:00 Control Paladin

07:10 Fel Relic Demon Hunter

11:10 Big Ramp Druid

18:40 Control Paladin 2

Deck code:

### Relics DH

# Class: Demon Hunter

# Format: Standard

# Year of the Hydra


# 2x (1) Fury (Rank 1)

# 2x (1) Relic of Extinction

# 1x (2) Battleworn Vanguard

# 2x (2) Chaos Strike

# 2x (2) Fel Barrage

# 2x (2) Fossil Fanatic

# 2x (2) Multi-Strike

# 2x (2) Relic Vault

# 2x (3) Aldrachi Warblades

# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard

# 2x (3) Relic of Phantasms

# 1x (4) Prosecutor Mel'tranix

# 1x (5) Metamorphosis

# 2x (5) Relic of Dimensions

# 2x (5) Topple the Idol

# 1x (6) Kurtrus, Demon-Render

# 1x (8) Artificer Xy'mox

# 1x (8) Jace Darkweaver

# 1x (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder

# AAECAaerBAiN9wOwigSHiwTJnwSU1ASY1ASq3QTu7QQLwvEDifcDg58Etp8EjrAEvsoEwMoEr94EsN4EquIEheUEAA==


# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #CastleNathria #Hearthstone Castle Nathria Mini-Set

