Questline Druid, But it's Wild With 20 Mana Mill Jade Druid At Castle Nathria Mini-Set | Hearthstone


Questline Druid, But it's Wild With 20 Mana Mill Jade Druid At Castle Nathria Mini-Set | Hearthstone

If you can't copy the deck code you can always get all of my decks on my website, or join my Discord, Twitter and Instagram!

Good luck, my friends!

My opponents:

00:00 Intro

00:05 Mill Jade Druid

Deck code:

### Questline But It Is Wild

# Class: Druid

# Format: Wild


# 2x (0) Aquatic Form

# 1x (0) Pounce

# 1x (1) Jade Idol

# 1x (1) Lost in the Park

# 1x (1) Sphere of Sapience

# 2x (2) Jerry Rig Carpenter

# 2x (2) Living Seed (Rank 1)

# 2x (2) Mark of the Spikeshell

# 2x (2) Moonlit Guidance

# 2x (2) Solar Eclipse

# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard

# 2x (3) Feral Rage

# 1x (3) Ferocious Howl

# 1x (3) Prince Renathal

# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon

# 2x (4) Bite

# 1x (4) Branching Paths

# 1x (4) Flobbidinous Floop

# 2x (4) Park Panther

# 2x (4) Poison Seeds

# 1x (4) Twig of the World Tree

# 2x (5) Nourish

# 1x (5) Theotar, the Mad Duke

# 1x (5) Wildheart Guff

# 2x (6) Spreading Plague

# 1x (7) Gonk, the Raptor

# 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent

# 1x (10) Sire Denathrius



# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #CastleNathria #Hearthstone Castle Nathria Mini-Set
