NEW Mecha'thun 212 Armor Control Warrior Deck That's Good Whizbang's Workshop Mini-Set | Hearthstone

  NEW Mecha'thun 212 Armor Control Warrior Deck That's Good Whizbang's Workshop Mini-Set | Hearthstone If you can't copy the deck code you can always get all of my decks on my website, or join my Discord, Twitter and Instagram! Good luck, my friends! My opponents: 00:00 Thief Rogue 07:47 Hero Power Mage 15:28 Quest Mage 25:03 Quest Mage Deck code: Mecha'Thun Warrior Class: Warrior Format: Wild # 2x (0) Ancient Totem 2x (0) Target Dummy 2x (1) Armor Vendor 2x (1) Razorfen Rockstar 2x (1) Risky Skipper 2x (2) Armorsmith 1x (2) Battle Rage 2x (2) Needlerock Totem 2x (2) Roaring Applause 2x (2) Shield Block 2x (2) Stoneskin Armorer 1x (3) From the Depths 1x (3) Lord Barov 1x (4) Aftershocks 2x (4) Light of the Phoenix 1x (5) Chemical Spill 1x (10) Mecha'thun 2x (10) Shield Shatter # AAEBAcGPBAaQA/H7ApPQA4y3BJ+eBo+oBgzUBI0QpLYD+YwEjtQEj5UF8M0FtNEFovoFofsFnJ4Gz54GAAA= # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #Whizbang'sWorkshop #Hearthstone Whizbang's Workshop

