NEW Bomb Warrior Deck Is Actually Really Good To Play At Whizbang's Workshop Mini-Set | Hearthstone

  NEW Bomb Warrior Deck Is Actually Really Good To Play At Whizbang's Workshop Mini-Set | Hearthstone If you can't copy the deck code you can always get all of my decks on my website, or join my Discord, Twitter and Instagram! Good luck, my friends! My opponents: 00:00 Aggro Shadowform Reno Priest 07:12 Questline Control Priest 10:47 Quest Thief Rogue 20:09 Aggro Mage Deck code: ### Fireworks Warrior # Class: Warrior # Format: Wild # # 1x (1) Town Crier # 1x (1) Upgrade! # 1x (2) Blast Charge # 1x (2) Corsair Cache # 1x (2) Kobold Miner # 1x (2) Needlerock Totem # 1x (2) Shield Block # 1x (2) Stoneskin Armorer # 1x (2) Zephrys the Great # 1x (3) Asvedon, the Grandshield # 1x (3) Augmented Elekk # 1x (3) Bellowing Flames # 1x (3) Clockwork Goblin # 1x (3) Explodineer # 1x (3) From the Depths # 1x (3) Lord Barov # 1x (3) Prince Renathal # 1x (3) Reinforced Plating # 1x (3) Rummaging Kobold # 1x (4) Blast from the Past # 1x (4) Hoard Pillager # 1x (4) Wrenchcalibur # 1x (5) Burrow Buster # 1x (5) Captain Greenskin # 1x (5) Elise the Trailblazer # 1x (5) Seaforium Bomber # 1x (6) Khaz'goroth # 1x (6) Reno Jackson # 1x (7) Badlands Brawler # 1x (7) Blastmaster Boom # 1x (7) Marin the Manager # 1x (7) Maruut Stonebinder # 1x (7) Nellie, the Great Thresher # 1x (8) Boomboss Tho'grun # 1x (8) Deepminer Brann # 1x (8) Inventor Boom # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (3) Virus Module # 1x (5) Perfect Module # 1x (9) Dragonqueen Alexstrasza # 1x (9) Reno, Lone Ranger # 1x (10) Safety Expert # AAEBAc/8BSjIA/8DwxbPxwKI6ALx/AL1gAOXlAOalAOblAP8owPosAORsQPAuQOT0AOMtwSOyQSO1ASX7wTMkgXG8wWh+wWFggbKgwbQgwaSjgbCkQb3lwbomAacngaDogbVogbHpAaTqAavqAbQsAbiuAa6wQa00wbk5gYAAAED9LMGx6QG97MGx6QG7N4Gx6QGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #Whizbang'sWorkshop #Hearthstone Whizbang's Workshop
